Research Jamboree 2024

Research Jamboree 2024

The Research Jamboree 2024 is a conference to share ideas and promote across-field and interdisciplinary research both for the benefits that broader perspectives bring to research, and also to begin establishing communities of scholars ready to apply for external research funding.

The conferences will run for five days in Trinity Term Week 9. Rather than comprising purely of the traditional presentation-based workshop format, there will be different forms of interaction and time for discussion and engagement. After the Friday session, we will have the end of term party, as a chance to gather and celebrate together.

For enquiries, please email


Monday 17th June - Friday 21st June 2024
Venue: Cohen Quad, Exeter College





Please see the detailed schedule here

Monday 17th June (AM) Women in Trade
(Session will be available online)
Paola Conconi and Banu Demir
Monday 17th June (PM) Global Priorities Institute Julian Jamison
Tuesday 18th June (AM) Political Economy of Populism Jean-Paul Carvalho and Noam Yuchtman
Tuesday 18th June (PM) Competition, Concentration, and Mark-Ups Howard Smith
Wednesday 19th June (PM) Gender at Work Barbara Petrongolo and Abi Adams-Prassl
Wednesday 19th June (Evening) Department of Economics 25th Anniversary Celebration including keynotes lecture. Please sign-up separately here.
Thursday 20th June (AM) Macroeconomics Workshop Sergio de Ferra
Thursday 20th June (PM) Centre for the Study of African Economies Stefan Dercon and Rocco Zizzamia
Friday 21st June

Job Market Candidate talks

(Session will be available online)

Martin Weidner


Further information