Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource-Rich Economies (OxCarre)

Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource-Rich Economies (OxCarre) was established in October 2007 with a generous donation from BP, to become a global centre of excellence to analyse the economics of resource rich countries. The Centre conducts original and objective research to improve understanding of the performance of resource rich economies, and to inform policy design to enhance this performance. It also acts as the core of a global network of researchers in this area. It brings together existing Oxford expertise in theoretical and empirical economics and applies this to the issues facing resource-rich economies.

Internal Research Associates

Elizabeth Baldwin, Associate Professor of Economics

Paul Collier, Director, Centre for the Study of African Economies

Martin Ellison, Professor of Economics

Andrea Ferrero, Lecturer in Economics

Douglas Gollin, Professor of Development Economics

Anke Hoeffler, Research Officer, Centre for the Study of African Economies

Beata Javorcik, Professor of International Economics

Adeel Malik, Islamic Centre Lecturer in Development Economics, Department of International Development

Peter Neary, Professor of Economics

Kevin O'Rourke, Professor of Economic History

Jacquelyn Pless, Oxford Martin Fellow, Institute for New Economic Thinking

Alex Teytelboym, Research Fellow, Institute for New Economic Thinking


External Research Associates

Rabah Arezki, IMF

Sambit Bhattacharyya, University of Sussex

Roberto Bonfatti, University of Nottingham

Maarten Bosker, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Lucas Bretschger, Centre of Economic Research at  ETH Zurich

Christa Brunnschweiler, University of East Anglia

Erwin Bulte, Utrecht University

Nicolas Depetris Chauvin, African Centre for Economic Transformation

Jim Cust, World Bank

Raphaël Espinoza, IMF

Y Hossein Farzin, University of California, Davis

Ghada Fayad, IMF

Ana Fernandes, Berner Fachhochschule

Alan Gelb, Centre for Global Development

Thorvaldur Gylfason, University of Iceland

Torfinn Harding, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen

Mark Henstridge, Oxford Policy Management

Roland Hodler, University of St Gallen

Niko Jaakkola, Ifo Center for Energy, Climate and Exhaustible Resources, Munich

Alexander James, University of Alaska, Anchorage

Karlygash Kuralbayeva, LSE

Thomas Lontzek, University of Zurich

Guy Michaels, LSE

Chuck Mason, University of Wyoming

John Page, The Brookings Institution

Anamaría Pieschacón, University of Stanford

Steven Poelhekke, VU University, Amsterdam

Ohad Raveh, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Armon Rezai, Institute for the Environment & Regional Development, WU Vienna University of Economics & Business

Dominic Rohner, University of Lausanne

Paul Segal, King's College London

Brock Smith, Montana State University

Radoslaw (Radek) Stefanski, University of St Andrews

Gerhard Toews, New Economic School, Moscow

Anja Tolonen, Barnard College, Columbia University

Ragnar Torvik, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Wessel Vermeulen, Newcastle University London

Pierre-Louis Vézina, King's College London

Samuel Wills, University of Sydney

Cees Withagen, VU University, Amsterdam

Qi Zhang, IGC and LSE

Date Authors                                                     Title of  Paper                                                                     Paper No                        
08/18     Rick van der Ploeg

Obstacles to Successful Climate Policy Contribution for the Environmental Scientist, July 2018


01/17 Rick van der Ploeg

Review of 'Blood Oil: Tyrants, Violence and the Rules that Run the World' Author Leif Wenar, OUP, lii+494 pages, 2016.  Economics and Philosopy, 2017

12/16 Rick van der Ploeg & Armon Rezei

Cumulative Emissions, Unburnable Fossil Fuel, and the Optimal Carbon Tax.  Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 21, July 2016


10/16 David Manley, James Cust & Giorgia Cecchinato

Stranded Nations? The Climate Policy Implications for Fossil Fuel-Rich Developing Countries Revised March 2017


10/16 Aleksandra Malova & Rick van der Ploeg

Consequences of Lower Prices and Stranded Assets for Russia's Sustainable Fiscal Stance Energy Policy, 105, 27-40, 2017.


04/16 Rabah Arezki, Christian Bogmans & Akito Matsumoto

The Energy Transition in an Era of Low Fossil Fuel Prices


04/16 Rabah Arezki, Karim El Aynaoui, Yaw Nyarko & Francis Teal

Food Price Volatility and its Consequences Oxford Economic Papers, 68(3), July 2016


02/16 Rabah Arezki, Rick van der Ploeg & Frederik Toscani

A Move South Finance & Development, 54, 1, 36-39, 2015


02/16 Rick van der Ploeg

Climate Change Economics: Reacting to multiple tipping points  Nature Climate Change, 6. 442-443, March 2016


02/16 Rick van der Ploeg

Fossil Fuel Producers Under Threat Oxford Review of Economic Policy,32,2, 206-222, 2016


07/15 Rabah Arezki & Olivier Blanchard

Seven Questions about the Recent Oil Price Slump The International Monetary Fund's global economy forum, Blog-imf.direct.org, 22 December 2014


0415 Armon Rezai & Rick van der Ploeg

Robustness of a Simple Rule for the Social Cost of Carbon Economics Letters, 132, 48-55, 2015


03/15 Paul Collier & James Cust

Investing in Africa's Infrastructure: Financing and policy options Forthcoming, Annual Review of Resource Economics, 7, 2015


03/15 Rick van der Ploeg & Steven Poelhekke

The Impact of natural Resources: Survey of recent quantitative evidence Journal of Development Studies, 1-12, April 2016


01/15 Armon Rezai & Rick van der Ploeg

Global Carbon Taxation: Intuition from the back-of-the-envelope calculation  VOXEU, 15 January 2015


01/15 Ton van den Bremer & Rick van der Ploeg

Digging Deep for the Heritage Fund: Why the right fund for Alberta pays dividends long after oil is gone   SPP Research Papers, 7, 32, October 2014.


01/15 Rick van der Ploeg & Aart de Zeeuw

Dealing with the Threat of Catastrophic Climate Change VOXEU, 31 July 2014.


10/14 Radoslaw (Radek) Stefanski

Into the Mire: A closer look at fossil fuel subsidies


10/13 Rabah Arezki, Prakash Loungani, Rick van der Ploeg & Anthony J Venables

Understanding International Commodity Proce Fluctuations  Journal of International Money and Finance, 42, 2014, 1-8


09/13 Rick van der Ploeg & Cees Withagen

On the Relevanc of Green Paradoxes Research in Management Economics and Finance, October, 2013.

01/13 Paul Collier & Anthony J Venables

How Rapidly Should Africa Go Green? The tension between natural abundance and economic scarity  The World Financial Review, Jan/Feb 2013


12/12 Rick van der Ploeg & Cees Withagen

Green Growth, Green Paradox and the Global Economics Crisis  Environmental Innovation & Societal Transitions, 2013, 6, 116-119


04/12 Rick van der Ploeg

Oil Windfalls and Investing to Invest in Central Africa  Forthcoming, B.Akitoby & S. Coorey (eds), Oil in Central Africa - Policies for Inclusive Growth. International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. pp 89-109, 2012


04/12 Ian Parry, Rick van der Ploeg & Roberton Williams

How to Design a Carbon Tax  R.de Mooij, I.W.H. Parry & M. Keen (eds), Fiscal Policy to Mitigate Climate Change - A Guide for Policymakers, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. pp 27-48, 2012.


03/12 Rick van der Ploeg, Anthony J Venables & Samuel Wills

Oil and Fiscal Policy in Iraq  World Bank Iraq Report, 28 March 2012


07/11 Rick van der Ploeg, Radoslaw Stefanski & Samuel Wills

Harnessing Oil Revenues in Ghana Prepared for the International Growth Centre


05/11 Anthony J Venables

Resource Revenue Management  Paper written for the Asian Development Bank Knowledge Sharing Platform for Resource Revenue Management, Manila, April 2011. Revised May 2011.

03/11 Guido Porto, Nicolas Depetris Chauvin & Marcelo Olarreaga

Supply Chains in Export Agriculture, Competition, and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. Published by CEPR/World Bank, March 2011.ISBN:978-1-907142-20-8  Vox Column, 11 March 2011

03/11 Anthony J Venables

Managing Resource Revenues Paper presented at the Economic Reform Workshop: Sudan People's Liberation Movement, Juba, March 2011.


03/11 Rick van der Ploeg

Fiscal Policy and Dutch Disease International Economics and Economic Policy, 2011, 8, 2, 121-138.


01/11 Rick van der Ploeg

Macreconomics of Sustainability Transitions: Second-best climate policy, Green Paradox, and renewal subsidies Contribution to Environmental Innovations and Transitions, January 2011.


02/10 Karlygash Kuralbayeva, Rick van der Ploeg & Anthony J Venables

Resource Revenues: Economic principles and Caspian experiences Forthcoming, Natural Resources and Development. Ed. G.Mavrotas


08/09 Rick van der Ploeg

Global Crises and Developing Countries: Financial, Environmental, Resource and Food Perspectives  International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2009, 3, 2, 119-160.


10/08 Rick van der Ploeg & Anthony J Venables

Harnessing Windfall Revenues in Developing Countries  Vox Column, 3 October 2008


08/08 Paul Collier & Benedikt Goderis

Prospects for Commodity Exporters: Hunky Dory or Humpty Dumpty? World Economics, 8 (2), 2007


03/08 Anthony J. Venables

Turning Resource Wealth into Sustainable and Equitable Development: International Experience


03/08 Rick van der Ploeg

Africa and Natural Resources: Managing natural resources for sustainable growth Background paper for the 2007 Annual Report of the African Development Bank

