Christopher Bowdler
I am an applied macroeconomist and have published a range of empirical papers on topics including the identification of monetary policy shocks and their transmission to the real economy and financial markets, testing open economy models of the output-inflation tradeoff and evaluating the effects of international differences in labour market institutions. I am also interested in macroeconomic policy issues and have edited collections of papers on unconventional monetary policy and debt management strategies. My most recent research has examined the impact of monetary policy decisions on the banking system.
In Oxford I teach a range of undergraduate and graduate courses in macroeconomic theory and policy and applied monetary economics, as well as supervising graduate research. I have served on the editorial boards of the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics and the Oxford Review of Economic Policy and from January 2012 to June 2017 I served as Secretary to the Board of the Review of Economic Studies.
I am a Fellow of Oriel College where I am Director of Studies in Economics. At Oriel I served as the Tutor for Admissions and Outreach from 2013 to 2015, and continue to serve on a range of college committees.
Before taking up my current post in 2006 I was a British Academy Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford, and before that I did my doctoral work in Oxford after reading for the Economics Tripos at the University of Cambridge. I have worked as a research consultant to the European Central Bank and on a range of projects for private sector organizations.