Flexible Work and Inflexible Care: Opportunities and Challenges for an Inclusive Workforce


Our 2024 Diversity at Work series will be a one-day workshop exploring the connections between economics and the opportunities and challenges for an inclusive workforce.


Work is changing rapidly. To remain inclusive, businesses must further adapt to the changing realities of family life. Our Diversity At Work interactive workshop will examine the latest economic research and business practices on promoting inclusive work, managing a flexible workforce, creating gender-inclusive supply chains and encouraging supportive fatherhood.


The world’s finest labour economists, many of whom are at Oxford, will engage in conversations and debates with business and policy leaders from around the world in order to stimulate new ideas for building inclusive workplaces.


The audience for this workshop is intentionally wide; it is aimed at academics from across social sciences and humanities, as well as business professionals from across different industries and policy experts from government and the third sector.


Location: St Catherine’s College, Oxford
Date: Monday 11 March 2024
Time: 09:00 – 18:00
Cost: £100


We invite interested parties to sponsor this workshop. Please contact oubep@economics.ox.ac.uk if you’re interested in doing so.