Workshop: The Economics of Intersectionality


Where: H B Allen Centre, Keble College, Oxford
When: Monday 27 March 2023, 9:30 - 18:00
Ticket price: £50
Join us for in-depth analysis, discussion, and debate alongside expert academics and business leaders. The audience for this workshop is intentionally wide; it is aimed at academics from across social sciences and humanities, as well as business professionals from across different industries and policy experts from government and the third sector. We invite interested parties to sponsor this workshop. Please contact if you’re interested in doing so.




Our identities overlap. How should organisations deal with complex patterns of discrimination and harassment that emerge as a result? How are our economic lives impacted by belonging to multiple social groups?

We all have many social and political identities. The interactions between these identities result in rich tapestries of communities, evolving power dynamics, and complex patterns of discrimination. While economics has focused on single dimensions of identity (such as gender, race, or sexuality) and their effect on economic outcomes in isolation, it has so far failed to capture the multidimensional nature of identity and the interactions between identity dimensions such as race and gender. A more holistic approach to identity in economics leads us to the concept of intersectionality. This unique workshop will bring together ideas from economics and the broader social, political, and organisational sciences to understand how overlapping identities shape our economic lives. The workshop will feature talks and discussions by academics as well as business leaders.