Anders Kock Awarded ERC Consolidator Grant worth £1.2m

We are delighted to announce that Anders Kock has been awarded a £1.2 million ERC Consolidator Grant for his project, "High-Dimensional Hypothesis Testing" (HIDI). The research focuses on developing advanced statistical tests to unravel complex relationships within high-dimensional datasets. These tests aim to enhance insights for personalised medicine, resource optimisation, targeted marketing, and policy design.

Anders's innovative tests address the challenges posed by the sheer number of variables in modern datasets, offering powerful tools to discern true signals from noise. The project's outcomes are expected to reveal nuanced treatment effects across diverse groups, enabling more precise and individualised interventions.

This award will enable Anders to carry out his five-year research project. Additionally, he aims to build a research group around this topic in order to disseminate the tools he is developing.


To find out more about this years Oxford awardees – Three Oxford academics awarded European Research Council Consolidator Grants